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Faculty Housing Homepage  /  Keck Center Reservations

Keck Center Reservations

Note: The Keck Center Think Tank will be unavailable for reservations from May 12, 2025, to July 31, 2025.

The Keck Center is the primary location for the Keck Institute for Space Studies (KISS) workshops. In addition, the President's Office uses this location for the Caltech Board of Trustees meetings. Events scheduled in the Keck Center are not to disrupt the normal business activities and flow of traffic in the immediate vicinity of the Keck Center.

The Keck Center Conference Room accommodates 31 people in a standard seating arrangement.

The room is equipped with one large projection screen with projection/audio capabilities. There are two portable white boards and several white boards behind the wooden paneling at the front of the room.

Use Guidelines

Approved users may submit applications no sooner than 2 months in advance.

Approved Users

We grant priority use to the following groups:

  • Keck Institute for Space Studies (KISS)
  • The Board of Trustees
  • Committees of the Board of Trustees
  • Meetings in which the President is involved
  • Meetings which involve members of the Board of Trustees

When the conference room is not being used by a Priority User, we may accept applications from the following approved users:

  • Faculty Board and Steering Committees
  • Institute Administrative Council
  • Administrative Committees
  • Faculty committees
  • Divisional Faculty meetings
  • Ad hoc committees appointed by the President
  • JPL science, technical, and mission meetings/conferences/workshops

Although it would be an unusual circumstance, users should know that their reservations may be cancelled if a conflict arises with the needs of a priority user. We will make every effort to notify you of any conflicts or changes in a timely manner.


A reservation is not considered confirmed until you receive an email from Faculty Housing.

To reserve the facility, please carefully review the following information and submit the application at the bottom of this page. Our office will contact you within 5 business days.


Reservation cancellations are required via email no later than seven days prior to the date and time of the reservation. Failure to cancel reservation will result in custodial charges posting to your provided PTA or Project/Task.


Visitor parking is available in Parking Structure 1 (primary parking location w/pay station) or Parking Structure 2 (secondary parking location w/out pay station). They are located on Wilson Ave. Alternative or overflow parking may be found in Parking Structure 3 located on California Blvd., east of Wilson Ave.; this location has a pay station.

JPL parking placards are honored; guests without placards will be required to pay at the automated pay stations discussed above.


There is no reservation charge. The charges for use of the facility will be for custodial time required for cleanup after the scheduled meeting. The PTA or Project/Task provided on the reservation form will be charged the standard hourly custodial rates. This is a required service for all users after each use.

Please visit page 47 of the Guide to Facilities Services to view current shop rates.


  • Please make an advance appointment with us to pick up the keys to the facility on the day prior to your meeting. Keck Center staff are not available to admit access
  • It is always advisable to schedule a test run with Academic Media Technologies in order to make sure your equipment works
  • We will always order catering tables to be placed in the lobby for you; please do not use the existing surfaces for catering
  • Use of the courtyard must be pre-approved
    • No electric carts are to be driven into the courtyard, including for catering, rental furniture delivery or pickup, or facilities maintenance
    • Under no circumstances is courtyard furniture to be moved
  • Remove all food and and dispose of your trash at the end of the day
  • Clean up spills
  • Remove all meeting materials
  • Turn off all equipment, including the projector
  • Turn off lights and lock the door
  • Storage is not available, any leftover items will be disposed of

User Agreement/Reservation Request

Fill out my online form.